Mrs. Bradley Krimis
Gladys Mitchell (1901 bis 1983, Vereinigtes Königreich / Großbritannien) studierte Geschichte und arbeitete anschließend als Lehrerin. Daneben begann sie zu schreiben.
Mitchell verfaßte neben ihren 66 Krimis über Mrs Bradley auch Krimis über den Architekten Timothy Herring unter dem Pseudonym Malcolm Torrie, historische Romane unter dem Pseudonym Stephen Hockaby sowie zehn Kinderbücher.
'The great Gladys' (Philip Larkin) war Mitglied des 'Detection Club'.
Beatrice Lestrange Bradley Krimis
Die Psychoanalytikerin und Autorin Beatrice Lestrange Bradley ermittelt in den 1920er Jahren als Amateurdetektivin. Unterstützt wird sie von ihrer Sekretärin Laura Menzies.
Mrs. Bradley Krimis (in chronologischer Reihenfolge)
- Speedy Death
- The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop
- The Longer Bodies
- The Saltmarsh Murders
- Death at the Opera
- The Devil at Saxon Wall
- Dead Men's Morris
- Come away Death
- St Peter's Finger
- Printer's Error
- Brazen Tongue
- Hangman's Curfew
- When last I died
- Laurels are Poison
- The worsted Viper
- Sunset over Soho
- My Father sleeps
- The Rising of the Moon
- Here comes a Chopper
- Death and the Maiden
- The dancing Druids
- Tom Brown's Body
- Groaning Spinney
- The Devil's Elbow
- The Echoing Strangers
- Merlin's Furlong
- Faintley speaking
- Watson's Choice
- Twelve Horses and the Hangman's Noose
- The twenty-third Man
- Spotted Hemlock
- The Man who grew Tomatoes
- Say it with Flowers
- The Nodding Canaries
- My Bones will keep
- Adders on the Heath
- Death of a Delft Blue
- Pageant of Murder
- The Croaking Raven
- Skeleton Island
- Three quick and five dead
- Dance to your Daddy
- Gory Dew
- Lament for Leto
- A Hearse on May-Day
- The Murder of Busy Lizzie
- A Javelin for Jonah
- Winking at the Brim
- Convent on Styx
- Late, late in the Evening
- Noonday and Night
- Fault in the Structure
- Wraiths and Changelings
- Mingled with Venom
- Nest of Vipers
- The Mudflats of the Dead
- Uncoffin'd Clay
- The whispering Knights
- The Death-Cap Dancers
- Lovers, make Moan
- Here lies Gloria Mundy
- The Death of a burrowing Mole
- The Greenstone Griffins
- Cold, lone and still
- No Winding-Sheet
- The Crozier Pharaohs
Mrs. Bradley Mysteries (1998 bis 1999, BBC)
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